I-Shan Lai
I-Shan Lai, a renowned Erhu musician, and graduated with bachelor's and master's degrees in Erhu performance at Central Conservatory of Music in Beijing, China. She won awards multiple times in Erhu competitions. After her graduation, I-Shan was recruited by the professional Macau Chinese Orchestra. I-Shan has rich performance experience and has performed in various regions including China, Korea, Singapore, Malaysia, Macau, Portugal, Australia, and the United States of America!
I-Shan currently works on promoting Erhu and Chinese music in colleges, public schools, and summer camps. She has conducted workshops and held presentations from college-level music study students to elementary-level young students. She devoted herself to promoting Chinese music, especially in Erhu, and took it as a mission in the United States.
赖逸珊 -旅美青年二胡演奏家。曾任中国民族青年乐团首席、澳门中乐团二胡演奏员。为第一位台湾人考取北京中央音乐学院-学士/硕士。年少时也以出众的琴技活跃于舞台,并多次在胡琴比赛中获奖。逸珊演出经验丰富,曾至中国、韩园、新加坡、马来西亚、澳门、葡萄牙、澳大利亚、北美等地区演出!作为一名文化传播者,逸珊积极参与文化交流活动及传播中华民族音乐。在美国当地学校积极推广二胡,与当地学校学生交流演出。解说二胡技法之介绍。现为犹他州华人民乐团二胡首席,主要从事二胡、钢琴教学以及各类演出。