Chinese Musicians Association of North America 北美华人音乐家协会

Joe Lu


Joe(Xiaolin) Lu is a top crossover trumpet player from China, active in both jazz and classical music. Since 2003, he has been involved with orchestras and big bands in Beijing. He joined the China Philharmonic Orchestra in 2003 and became Principal Trumpet in 2010 under Artist Director Yu Long. Mr. Lu also served as Principal Trumpet of the China Philharmonic Orchestra Brass Quintet and is a Visiting Professor of Trumpet and Executive Director of the Alicante Summer Brass Academy in China.

He established the Beijing Jungle Big Band in 2010, which has performed at various international events and the Beijing Nine Gates Jazz Festival. As horn section leader of STARBAND International Band, he has worked with top Chinese pop musicians. He performed at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games, the BBC Proms in 2014, and with Chris Botti at the Beijing Music Festival and the Grammy Gala concert in 2013. He also played at a Guinness Record concert in 2016.

CCTV named him one of China's top 10 trumpet players. He is a vintage trumpet collector with over 50 instruments. Since moving to Huntington Beach, California, in 2022, he has played with various local orchestras and bands. Mr. Lu now lives in Kansas City, working as the Import and Sales Manager at Best American Craftsman Musical Instruments and running his trumpet studio, Brass Ambassador.

鲁潇霖,美国亨廷顿海滩交响乐团小号首席兼董事会成员,拉谷纳海滩管乐团/爵士大乐队小号首席,中国爱乐乐团前任小号首席,中国爱乐乐团铜管五重奏小号首席,中国音乐家协会管乐学会小号联合会理事,北京森霖大乐团艺术总监兼团长,鲁潇霖管乐团团长,中国管弦网艺术家,西班牙阿利坎特铜管国际夏令营客座教授,杨坤乐队,张杰乐队小号手兼管乐组队长,杭盖乐队小号手兼管乐组队长,磊落组合小号手,中国高端管乐品牌YFort小号艺术家,美国B.A.C.品牌手工小号,美国Resilience Oils品牌代言人。CCTV中国十大小号演奏家之一,古典与非古典集于一身的顶尖“跨界”小号演奏家。
