Bin Hu
Classical guitar
Bin Hu's musical journey spans continents, captivating audiences in Austria, China, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Indonesia, Italy, Malaysia, the Philippines, Spain, and the USA. As a versatile artist, he has performed as a soloist, chamber musician, and with orchestras, leaving a significant mark on the global music scene.
Bin Hu has won prestigious guitar competitions, most notably the top prize at the 2016 David Russell Bach Prize, awarded by GRAMMY-winner David Russell. This solidified his reputation as an extraordinary Bach interpreter. His all-Bach CD, "Ciaccona," produced by Eudora Records in Spain, has received widespread acclaim, showcasing his mastery.
Beyond his performances, Bin Hu is a dedicated scholar and educator. He has been a guest at conservatories and conferences in China and South America, sharing his knowledge of Baroque guitar performance. His expertise enriches the next generation of musicians.
As a founding member of Duo Chinoiserie, Bin Hu blends Western and Eastern musical traditions, earning acclaim for innovative performances. Their debut CD features original works that highlight their unique artistic identity.
Bin Hu holds a Master of Arts degree from the Universitaet Mozarteum in Salzburg, Austria, and a Doctor of Musical Arts degree from the University of Arizona. He has studied with renowned musicians like Sérgio, Odair Assad, David Russell, and Ricardo Gallén.
Bin Hu's passion, dedication, and talent continue to illuminate the world of classical guitar and chamber music, leaving an enduring legacy through his solo work and as a member of Duo Chinoiserie.
古典吉他演奏家,美国亚利桑那大学古典吉他演奏博士,西班牙Eudora唱片公司及美国PARMA唱片公司签约艺术家,东风古筝吉他二重奏创始成员之一,2016年大卫·罗素巴赫奖得主,巴赫学者,曾发行巴赫独奏专辑《恰空》和古筝吉他室内乐专辑《东风–搭建新的音乐桥梁》。他的音乐会足迹已遍布欧洲、中国、东南亚、美国,并受邀担任国内外吉他艺术节比赛评委。乐评人Adam Brown曾这样写道:“胡先生有着令人生畏的演奏技巧,其自然流露且顺应理性的表达方式总是能捕获听众的心灵。他对音乐作品深思熟虑的诠释散发出冥想般的空灵气质,并伴随着微妙的刚柔对比。”
胡博士曾斩获多个国际比赛奖项,其中包括2016年大卫·罗素巴赫奖。作为比赛唯一评委的大卫·罗素曾这样说道:“胡滨的演奏充满力量,令人 信服,是我听到的这首(巴赫无伴奏小提琴)奏鸣曲最好的演奏版本之一。”同年,胡滨又斩获了美国北方信托银行艺术家基金会的奖项,并与西班牙Eudora唱片公司签约,于2018年出版了巴赫专辑《恰空》。此张专辑自发行以来就受到了世界范围内乐评家的广泛赞誉,并在Opus Haute Définition第157号期刊中荣获金奖。
胡博士于2016年与古筝演奏家夏菁组成了“东风二重奏”(Duo Chinoiserie),开始探索跨文化之间的音乐合作与交流,为古筝与吉他开拓了全新的曲目库。大卫·罗素曾这样评价他们:“他们找到了自己独一无二的声音,一种全新的音乐表达方式。我从来没有听到过如此令人感动和难忘的组合。……他们巧夺天工的演奏赋予了那些经典曲目全新的生命力。”他们的专辑《东风》获得了全球音乐奖“Outstanding Achievement”并被乐评家评为“最具吸引力的曲集,展现了最高的艺术水平”(Pianomania, 2022),“必须听的专辑”(GFA Soundboard, 2023)。两位音乐家也被全美中华青年联合会授予了“前10位优秀华人青年”和“30位30岁以下先驱者”称号。